
If you’re looking for a permanent birth control option that’s just as effective as tubal ligation but less costly, vasectomy may be your solution. Board-certified family physician Raye-Anne Ayo, MD, is experienced in performing no-scalpel vasectomies at Family Health Center, PLLC in Farragut, Tennessee. To find out if no-scalpel vasectomy is right for you, call the office or book an appointment online today.

What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy, or male sterilization, is a surgical procedure that permanently prevents a man from getting a woman pregnant. This procedure cuts and blocks off the vas deferens, which are the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra.

After a vasectomy, sperm are no longer able to mix with semen. Without sperm to fertilize an egg, pregnancy can’t occur.

What are the advantages of a no-scalpel vasectomy?

Traditionally, vasectomies have involved using a scalpel to make two small incisions in the scrotum. More recently, the medical community agrees that no-scalpel procedures offer superior results.

Benefits of a no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV) include:

  • Less invasive
  • Faster procedure
  • Less pain and bleeding
  • Less risk of infection
  • No need for sutures (stitches)

Dr. Ayo has extensive experience performing no-scalpel vasectomies. Using this method, she accesses the vas deferens through a small puncture hole in the scrotum instead of making an incision. For this reason, no-scalpel vasectomies are sometimes called “keyhole vasectomies.”

How should I prepare for a no-scalpel vasectomy?

Before your procedure, Dr. Ayo performs a physical exam and consultation to ensure that a vasectomy is right for you. She asks about any medications or supplements you take and may recommend you avoid taking them the day or two before the procedure.

No-scalpel vasectomies are outpatient procedures, which means you can go home afterward. You should wear comfortable clothing and bring an athletic supporter, or jockstrap, to wear home.

What should I expect from a no-scalpel vasectomy procedure?

During the procedure, Dr. Ayo injects a local anesthetic to numb your groin area. Then, she locates the vas deferens beneath your skin and holds them in place with a special clamp. She uses a needle-like instrument to make a small hole in your scrotum and pulls the vas deferens through the hole.

Then, the cuts the vas deferens and seals them or ties them off at the ends. She replaces the ducts in their normal position and covers the small holes with clean gauze. It’s normal for these wounds to ooze slightly for about a day.

Afterward, you should plan to rest for a day or two and avoid sex and heavy lifting for a week. Most men return to work within two days after a no-scalpel vasectomy.

If you’ve completed your family or otherwise don’t wish to have children, call Family Health Center, PLLC to find out if no-scalpel vasectomy is right for you.